First of all, I'm so happy to have you here!

I'm mom to three & have been married to my best friend for 27 years. We live in beautiful Northern Minnesota & although the winters are long & cold we love being able to call this little corner of the world our home.  

Like many, my journey to wellness came when my health left.  Decades of chronic and debilitating heart arrhythmias followed by melanoma & breast cancer had taken a huge toll on me.  

To say I was struggling is quite the understatement.  But, it's amazing the things you can hide behind a simple smile & a calm demeanor!  Very few people knew what I was going through.

I eventually came to the startling realization that my decades of uncontrolled anxiety, & unhealed traumas were literally making me sick, & I needed to break free.  

I began to educate myself about the mind-body connection & what I discovered has literally changed my life.  Now that my days no longer begin & end with anxiety, I'm living a much happier, healthier life.  

I've learned that although we can't change the negatives of our past, we can heal & move forward in a positive way. 

I'd love for you to join me!